Saturday, March 15, 2008

Deer Hunting Tips: The ninja revealed

Hey everybody, I usually don't buy ebooks on deer hunting tips, but an old friend of mine whose been hunting way longer than I have recommended it. Honestly I didn't know he knew how to use a computer. I read the ebook, it's not expensive, and I was COMPLETELY AMAZED at the level of detail and information that this ebook has. There I go with my CAPITAL LETTERS, but I'm really excited about this. I can't wait to try this stuff in the field.


I've mentioned the SUPER-NINJA-ULTRA-MEGA deer hunting tips that I'll be putting on this blog and I'll continue to fill this blog with deer hunting goodness, but I'd really recommend checking this thing out. Unlike a lot of things on the internet, this actually DESERVES the capital letters and the hype.

Click here for the link.

1 comment:

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