Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Deer Hunting Tips: Be Aquaman not the fat guy from Jurassic Park

Like many deer hunting tips, the best are often the most obvious. But sometimes even experts need to be reminded. You're in the woods. It's just you and the deer. Right?

Well, what about all the little guys, the squirrels, the skunks, the crows, wow don't even get me started on THE BIRDS.


All these small game can help you more than the most advanced motion sensors. Now, every good hunter keeps their eyes on their environment, but also remember to LISTEN. Birdcalls, squirrel noises can all alert you to an approaching deer. If you listen closely enough you can even tell the direction. Very useful.

If you've set up food plots for the deer, these resources can attract more small game to the area to giving you a natural alert system in your surroundings. It works both ways though. If you make your presence known, small game will have no problem with broadcasting it. So my advice is be Aquaman, not the fat guy in Jurassic Park. Have the animals work for you, not against you.

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